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Maintenance of the Life Support System of the Pinnipeds Pavilion of the Moscow Zoo


In 2023, the Aqua Logo Engineering team started maintenance of the water treatment complex in the new "Pinnipeds" pavilion together with specialists from the Moscow Zoo.

Vitaly Grebenyuk (Aqua Logo Engineering) and Peter Zhavoronkov (Moscow Zoo) monitor the life support system (LSS) of the Pinnipeds pavilion
Vitaly Grebenyuk (Aqua Logo Engineering) and Peter Zhavoronkov (Moscow Zoo) monitor the life support system (LSS) of the Pinnipeds pavilion

Hundreds of LSS sensors continuously transmit readings to monitors in the control room, where there is always an engineer on duty. In case of any deviation of readings from the norm, appropriate measures are immediately taken.

Our technician records instrument readings
Our technician records instrument readings

The quality of 9500 cubic meters of seawater in five huge pools, the technical condition of numerous pumps, sand filters, flotators, ozonators and other filtering elements are monitored around the clock. 

The technical area of the pavilion resembles the interiors of a submarine in some places
The technical area of the pavilion resembles the interiors of a submarine in some places 

This footage shows just a small portion of the LSS that are maintained by our engineers and technicians
This footage shows just a small portion of the LSS that are maintained by our engineers and technicians

Stanislav Tarasov controls the water level in the flotation tank
Stanislav Tarasov controls the water level in the flotation tank

Samples are used to determine the amount of chlorine in the water, its color and turbidity, the general condition of the water for the content of nitrates, phosphates, nitrites and ammonia within the normal range. Temperature, salinity, redox potential and other water parameters are also measured.
Samples are used to determine the amount of chlorine in the water, its color and turbidity, the general condition of the water for the content of nitrates, phosphates, nitrites and ammonia within the normal range. Temperature, salinity, redox potential and other water parameters are also measured.

Entrance to the pavilion gallery with viewing windows of all five pools
Entrance to the pavilion gallery with viewing windows of all five pools

Zoo visitors meet pinnipeds in the underwater gallery
Zoo visitors meet pinnipeds in the underwater gallery 

Steller sea lion can be seen so close only in the Moscow Zoo
Steller sea lion can be seen so close only in the Moscow Zoo 

Looking at this walrus makes you realize why you need a water purification system
Looking at this walrus makes you realize why you need a water purification system 

The maintenance tasks also include visual control of the water clarity in the pools
The maintenance tasks also include visual control of the water clarity in the pools 

Vitaliy Grebenyuk leads the service team of Aqua Logo Engineering
Vitaliy Grebenyuk leads the service team of Aqua Logo Engineering 

The Moscow Zoo entrusted the maintenance of the Pinniped Pavilion's WTS to our company, as no one knows its structure better than us. It was our engineers who in 2018-2019 designed the water treatment system of the Pinnipeds pavilion of the Moscow Zoo, and in 2022, together with the construction company PIK Group, brought this project to life.

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